So, your bundle of joy is here! Hopefully you have had a chance to shower and get something to eat other than ice chips and popsicles and you are ready to look your newest addition over from head to toe. You are ready to soak in the newborn baby smell and hold him or her close to you for hours on end. The next 48 hours is all about getting to know your baby before you leave the hospital, and a Fresh 48 session can capture those first memories. Hospital memories are often overlooked. Your little one is going to change so much every day. Your baby will never be one day old again. He or she will never be this wrinkly again. There are many firsts that happen in the hospital that a newborn session won’t catch. Posing during this session is minimal. There are no props other than the special blanket or hat you may have brought from home. This is about capturing special moments of your baby’s first days with you.
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